Mothers, Teresa Hickey and Donna Pattison have always been clever about keeping their family homes tidy, using every space efficiently, in order to organise their households.
In 2009, Teresa was getting dressed one morning and couldn’t find the bra she had in mind, to wear with the top she had chosen to wear. As she rummaged through her underwear drawer, she realised that her bras in particular were squashed and disorderly, the hooks were latching onto lace from other underwear, ruining the material and in general a mess! Frustrated with the fact that she couldn’t find a simple bra when she managed her entire household (including four children!) perfectly organised, she set about finding a solution to her underwear storage dilemma.
That evening, over a cup of tea with her neighbour Donna, Teresa saw she wasn’t the only woman with this problem, though Donna found her biggest annoyance was not being able to find singlets in her drawers. They set about rectifying this problem on behalf of women around the world! After two years of tweaking prototype designs for a hanger that would hold multiple items of clothing, but these items could be attached and detached without disturbing the other garments. The other necessity for the hanger was that all items of clothing could be easily seen without removing other items, to save time. After much consultation with designers, they finally developed and brought the Hickson Hanger to market.
“We hope you enjoy this wonderful new product as much as we and thousands of other women worldwide do, have fun and let us know your thoughts on the Hickson Hanger!”